Doddasampige | ದೊಡ್ಡಸಂಪಾಗೆ

Doddasampige | ದೊಡ್ಡಸಂಪಾಗೆ is an annotated collection of Indigenous/Adivasi and related scholarship that is largely relevant to or contextualised/interpreted to/for southern India, specifically the area in the tri-junction of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Although the curation is a bit biased towards the Adivasi communities in Karnataka portions of this region, the material will relate to Adivasis living in/around forested regions in other parts of southern India as well.

Some of the items in this colleciton are available at the Kaanu collective, a south Indian Adivasi Knoweledge center at BR Hills, Chamarajanagar district, India. The center is open to all and particularly welcomes schoalrs to spend as much time as they want with the growing collection. For directions to the Kaanu center, see here

For those who cannot visit us phyically but wish to engage with the annotations and interpretations of the works in the collection, see the online Kaanu digital garden here.

The name of the collection is from ದೊಡ್ಡಸಂಪಾಗೆ, a large Magnolia champaca tree inside Biligirirangaswamy Temple Tiger Reserve. The English spelling has been modified and does not reflect the pronunciation in the Solega language

Colonial and several post-colonial historical work does not acknowledge Adivasi individuals or the overall Adivasi community's contributions and scholarship, so the collection too reflects this. The collection shall aim to also include traditional and non-formal knowledge types wherever possible. Any archived material here is either in public domain or has been specifically consented to be featured on this archive during its curation/collection. Some of the collections and contributions were spin-offs during fieldwork under Towards Health Equity & Transformative Action on tribal health project and the effort receives support as a public engagement activity under the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance supported Center for Training Research and Innovation in Tribal Health.

This aims to be a collaborative project, so you are welcome to create your own account and add to the collection.

Curation/archival by Prashanth N Srinivas/, Werner Soors

Acknowledgements: L Shyamal/Muscicapa, Akshay S Dinesh/asdofindia, ಜಿಲ್ಲಾ ಬುಡಕಟ್ಟು ಗಿರಿಜನ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಘ, ಹನೂರು, ಎಳಂದೂರು ಮತ್ತು ಚಾಮರಾಜನಗರ ತಾಲೂಕು ಸೋಲಿಗ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಘಗಳು, ಗಿರಿಜನ ಶ್ರೇಯೋಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಂಘ (ಗುಂಡ್ಲುಪೇಟೆ) (district & taluka collectives of the Solega Adivasi peopole), steering committee members of the Kaanu collective consisting of the following (in alphabetical order of first name): Arun Kumar, C Made Gowda, C Mahadeva, Divya Devi, Krishnamurthy K V, Lakshmi, Mahadesha B, Mahesha J, Muthiah, Samira Agnihotri, Prashanth N Srinivas, Susheela Kenjoor, Tanya Seshadri, Vinay, Werner Soors

Recent additions or edits (WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

Si, A., & Agnihotri, S. (2014). Solega place names and their ecological significance. Anthropological Linguistics, 389–414.
Last edited by: Prashanth NS 17/01/2024, 22:59
Sen, A. K. (2018). Indigeneity, landscape and history Adivasi self-fashioning in india. Routledge.
Added by: Prashanth NS 20/06/2023, 11:54
Karanth, K. S. (1979). The headman of the little hill. H. Y. S. Prasad, Trans. Bangalore: IBH Prakashana.
Added by: Prashanth NS 20/06/2023, 11:38
Wolf, R. K. (2005). The black cow's footprint: Time, space and music in the lives of the kotas of south india. New Delhi: Permanent Black.
Added by: Prashanth NS 20/06/2023, 10:29
Rao, V. S. (Ed.). Adivasi rights and exclusion in india. Routledge.
Added by: Prashanth NS 19/06/2023, 17:23
Rivers, W. H. R. (1967). The todas. Oosterhout, The Netherlands: Anthropological Publications.
Added by: Prashanth NS 19/06/2023, 16:52
Misra, R. (1971). Mullukurumbas of kappala. Calcutta: Anthropological Survey of India.
Added by: Prashanth NS 19/06/2023, 15:50
Aranha, C., Fernando, P., & Mahale, P. (1991). Beyond the fire line: Perceptions of eight tribal women. 1st ed. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.
Last edited by: Prashanth NS 19/06/2023, 15:35
Bandhu, P., & Jacob, T. G. (2019). Encountering the adivasi question  South indian narratives. 1st ed. New Delhi: Studera Press.
Last edited by: Prashanth NS 09/06/2023, 12:39
Roy, S., Hegde, H. V., Bhattacharya, D., Upadhya, V., & Kholkute, S. D. (2015). Tribes in karnataka: Status of health research. The Indian journal of medical research, 141(5), 673–687.
Added by: Prashanth NS 08/06/2023, 22:07
WIKINDX 6.7.2 | Total resources: 105 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)