Doddasampige | ದೊಡ್ಡಸಂಪಾಗೆ

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Morlote, D. M., Gayden, T., Arvind, P., Babu, A., & Herrera, R. J. (2011). The soliga, an isolated tribe from southern india Genetic diversity and phylogenetic affinities. Journal of human genetics, 56(4), 258–269.  
Added by: Prashanth NS 06/02/2022, 12:47
Morlote, D. M., Gayden, T., Arvind, P., Babu, A., & Herrera, R. J. (2011). The Soliga, an isolated tribe from Southern India Genetic diversity and phylogenetic affinities. Journal of human genetics, 56(4), 258–269.  
Added by: Prashanth NS 14/05/2023, 21:12
Saitou, N. (2011). A commentary on the soliga, an isolated tribe from southern india Genetic diversity and phylogenetic affinities. Journal of human genetics, 56(4), 257–257.  
Added by: Prashanth NS 06/02/2022, 21:39
WIKINDX 6.7.2 | Total resources: 105 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)